TW: Positive Atmosphere


Positive Atmosphere

"A positive atmosphere nurtures a positive attitude, which is required to take positive action"

- Richard M. DeVos -

What distinguishes a team from a mere group is that teams share a sense of purpose to which they dedicate profound commitment. This creates synergy that maximizes each person’s strengths and minimizes their weaknesses. In short, a team performs at a higher level than the sum of what its individual members could reach. 


Creating a positive atmosphere for the team is the responsibility of all its members. A team in which spirit or morale is united and strong, where the environment is positive and supportive, where individuals feel good about being part of the team, and where overall motivation is high, can be described as having a positive team atmosphere. 

Positive team atmosphere is not a given - it does not just happen. It can only arise because of getting some of the more tangible criteria right - e.g., involvement, clear vision and goals and valuing differences. Atmosphere is a result of team effectiveness in other areas. 

Most people have had the experience of working in a team or in an environment where the atmosphere has been poor. Productivity suffers, there is back-biting and criticism, there is little openness in communication, and individuals are unhappy and demotivated. Often, leaving the team is a relief. 

On the other hand, most people have also worked in environments where spirit is high, there are common goals to which all are committed, communication is frank but supportive and constructive and individual motivation is good. Where there is a choice - and there always is - the latter environment is preferable in every case. 

Sometimes, complete focus on a goal can have an impact on atmosphere, positive or negative. Some will enjoy the big-picture focus, and others will want to establish the steps to solve the problems. Teams can pull together or divide and rule. Some will thrive on crisis and solving immediate problems motivates. Others may feel the reverse effect. An environment where personal needs are met can be highly motivating to some and not important to others. 

Involvement is about being a part of something, about belonging, being one of the team. Above all involvement it is about being part of the decision-making and influence processes and should engender a feeling of well-being when it is possible to see efforts bear fruit - ‘I was involved in that; I was a part of that team” is what you hope can be stated by all team members. To know with hearts and minds that the team achieved because we genuinely believe ‘we are better together.’ 

Actions to create a positive team atmosphere are: 

  • Ask the team members what gives them energy and what drains their energy. This will help individuals identify potential partnerships and improve team awareness. 
  • Regular check ins with each of the team members about their perceptions of the team and discuss these perceptions in the team. 
  • Celebrate successes and achievements. 
  • Informal chats about work and life in general. 
  • Provide encouragement and acknowledgement of work well done. 
  • Provide developmental feedback when needed. 
  • Discuss potential challenges before they become conflicts. 

The team atmosphere can be impacted when the team is working under pressure. Providing encouragement and appreciation is then more needed than ever. The most important thing to do, however, is to take a pause and reflect on how the team is working. This might feel as slowing down the team but will, when done well, in fact speed up the team. 

Some good questions to ask in these situations are: 

  • Are we agreed on our purpose? 
  • Are we agreed on our goals/objectives? 
  • What do individual team members believe is the root cause of our challenge? 
  • Do we understand each other’s’ needs? 
  • Are there any misperceptions about what an individual’s actions mean - are they misinterpreted? 
  • Are we open and supportive in our communication with each other? 
  • Are we willing to learn together and dialogue about what we can do better? 
  • What are the top 3 things that we can change to improve the team atmosphere? 

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