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A practical approach to Agility

Many of us are struggling with the impact of the current COVID crisis. Business owners and executive leaders have the responsibility to guide the team and organization - with pace - through these challenges.


This new situation requires new measures.

The solution is not to work harder. The solution is to use the capabilities and knowledge already available in your team.

We believe there is a wealth of potential and creativity within every organization waiting to be uncovered and that people are ready to take ownership if, and when, they are enabled to do so.

The aim of this webinar is to engage in a conversation about how to realize the hidden potential in your people, in an agile way which requires minimal executive and senior management effort.

The webinar is inspiring and practical, with lots of real life examples shared.

You will leave the webinar with a sense of the potential in your organization and how to unlock it.

As we are going to engage in dialogue, the maximum number of participants is eight.

Past participants have shared that the 60 minute webinar was time well spent and left them intrigued about the opportunities for their organization.

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