OC - Generating Ideas

Opportunity Creation

Generating Ideas

"You cannot use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have"

- Maya Angelou -

Most companies today must think about innovating, whether that is finding new ways to be more efficient and productive, or creating new products to access new markets. 

And to innovate and continue to be relevant and sustainable, organizations need the capability of their employees to produce ideas, small ones, and big ones. 


An open mind is a valuable resource. When you are interested in new possibilities, and able to think creatively, you are more likely to stay energized in your role – and keep your team or organization one step ahead of the competition. 

And sometimes, the success of a project depends on more than just small tweaks or suggestions for new ways forward. It needs someone to produce a big, radical, innovative idea. 


You do not have to be "artistic" to be creative. Everyone can learn to generate bold, ground-breaking ideas by adopting a creative approach and applying the best thinking tools. 


Often the only difference between creative and uncreative people is self-perception. Creative people see themselves as creative and give themselves the freedom to create. Uncreative people do not think about creativity and do not give themselves the opportunity to create anything new. 

Being creative may just be a matter of setting aside the time needed to take a step back and allow yourself to ask yourself if there is a better way of doing something. Edward de Bono calls this a "Creative Pause." He suggests that this should be a short break of only 30 seconds, but that this should be a habitual part of thinking. This needs self-discipline, as it is easy to forget. 

Another important attitude-shift is to view problems as opportunities for improvement. While this is something of a cliché, it is true. Whenever you solve a problem, you have a better product or service to offer afterward. 


  1. Break old thinking patterns
  2. Make new connections
  3. Get fresh perspectives

There are three key approaches to generating new ideas: 

1. Breaking old thinking patterns. 

We can all get stuck in certain "tracks" of thought. They may be so comfortable that we do not even realize that they are holding us back! So, to have fresh ideas, we need to break away from established patterns of thought and start to see new paths ahead. Here are some of the best ways to do it:


Challenge Your Assumptions 

You bring a set of assumptions to each and every situation. Many of them may turn out to be true but challenging your preconceptions can also open some exciting possibilities. 

For example, you would like to extend your home office. You know it is a promising investment, but you do not pursue the idea because you assume that you cannot afford it. Challenge that assumption! You might not have the money in the bank right now, but could you sell some other assets to raise the cash? 

Rephrase the Problem 

The way you define or frame your problem can limit your creativity. If you describe the issue you are trying to solve in a different way, or look at it from a different angle, novel solutions can emerge. 

For example, when Uber founder Garrett Camp wanted to start a transport service, he could have focused simply on buying and managing enough vehicles to make a profit. Instead, he reframed the problem in terms of how he could best address passengers' needs. 

This led to the development of a powerful app, rather than a fleet of cars – and an innovative business was born. 

Think in Reverse 

If you are finding it difficult to think of a novel approach, try turning the problem upside-down! Flip the question and explore the exact opposite of what you want to achieve. This can present you with innovative ways to tackle the real issue. 

To produce a new design for your website, for example, think about how you would create the worst look possible. Trying to make it boring, frustrating, and forgettable may give you some bold ideas for how to do the opposite. 


Mix Your Media 

Radical ideas can arise from tackling problems in unusual ways. A fantastic way to do this is to apply diverse types of creativity – do not just talk or write about your plans, explore them through music, painting, photography, sculpture… whatever enables you to express yourself. Fresh thinking can emerge when you let your creative juices flow! 

Interior designers, for example, often create "mood boards" made up of scraps of fabric, dabs of paint, photographs, sketches, typefaces, or even small objects. This process can produce original designs that would not have occurred to them otherwise. 



2. Making new connections. 

Another way to generate new ideas is to make new and unexpected connections. Some of the best ideas seem to occur by chance – you see or hear something unconnected with the situation you are trying to resolve, and a lightbulb goes on in your head! 

For instance, Velcroâ was inspired by the burdock burrs that got stuck to his dog's fur during a countryside walk. Try some of the following strategies for forging creative connections: 

  • Random words. Pick a word at random from any document, then look for novel associations between that word and your problem.
    For example, if you were exploring ways to reduce sick leave in your company, and your random word was "ball," you might hit on the idea of organizing a monthly softball game, to raise morale and motivate people to stay healthy. 
  • Picture prompts. Images can be a wonderful way to inspire creative thinking. Pick any image, find a connection with your problem – however tenuous – and notice any new possibilities that open.
    For example, a picture of a giant redwood, for instance, might suggest new ways to organize the teams and "branches" within your business. 
  • Objects of interest. How about asking your team members to bring a small object of their choice to your next ideas meeting? You could generate new ideas by asking questions such as, "How is this object like the problem we're trying to solve?" or "How could we use this object to meet our challenge?" 


3. Getting fresh perspectives. 

You can add extra dynamism to your thinking by taking a step back from your usual standpoint and viewing a problem through "fresh eyes." You will often get a surprising new take on an issue by talking to someone with a unique perspective, maybe because of their age, life experience, or cultural background. 

Try playing the "If I Were" game. Ask yourself, how would I address this challenge "if I were…?" You could be an athlete, a successful entrepreneur, Abraham Lincoln… anyone! 

Consider how the person you have chosen would approach the problem and see if that gives you any new ideas. Identify that person's distinguishing characteristics and use them to address the challenge. The entrepreneur, for instance, might take bigger risks, while the athlete would focus on achieving success through intensive training. 

The strategies we have outlined above work best in an atmosphere of positivity and possibility. The following ideas may help you to establish the best conditions for creativity: 

  • Believe in yourself. Have faith that great ideas will come! Try techniques such as Visualization and positive affirmations to keep your spirits high. Find time for downtime. Some of the best ideas appear when you are thinking about something else – or not really thinking at all: walking, listening to music, or playing with your kids.
    Rest, relaxation, and sleep are all important for recharging your creative batteries. But make sure that you have a notepad or device handy for capturing your brilliant thoughts, whatever you are doing! 

  • Vary your environment. Changing your setting can transform your thinking and offer new sources of inspiration. Hold your meeting in a nearby coffee shop instead of the conference room in your office or ask your people to join you for an "ideas walk “in the park. 

  • Conquer distractions. When you are focused on generating ideas and feel "in the zone “stay there! Do your thinking in a place where it is easy and enjoyable to work. Spend some time with your phone and laptop turned off and your door closed, so that nothing – and no one – disrupts your train of thought. 

  • Have fun! Playfulness and humor are essential ingredients of creativity, especially if you are exploring new ideas with a team. When the pressure's on to produce something radical, make sure that you are still relaxed and open-minded enough for the best ideas to emerge. 

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